Monday, October 26, 2009

Research Papers Info (Quick Access 31)

One of the most important things to remember to avoid when doing a research paper is plagiarism. Plagiarism is when you represent someone else’s work into yours without citing them for it. It’s basically taking credit for someone else’s work, which is a very serious matter. It can lead to expulsion from a university. There are lots of different types of plagiarism such as buying a paper of the internet, turning in something someone else has written, changing parts of someone else’s paper and turning it in, don’t use quotation marks on direct quotes from sources, copy and paste key parts, use ideas from sources without citing them, combine ideas from several sources and not cite them, and taking language or visual ideas from someone else’s work. To avoid plagiarism to acknowledge when you are using someone else’s ideas, words, or images, make sure you use the right documentation style, write down all the facts for documenting a source just in case you lose the source, and if you have any questions make sure you consult an instructor. When using internet sources, you need to make sure that you are not cutting and pasting material, and if you do make sure it is quoted properly, keep printed or referenced material separate from your own, summarize or paraphrase material before you use it, and use an internet service to double check if you are concerned about something being plagiarized. However you do not have to document common knowledge, or your own thinking. Before you add in your sources you should analyze the content of your material and then synthesize the connections made from it. Make sure that you use a quotation around exact words you are implementing from a source. Also to make sure that your quotation fits smoothly into your writing make sure you are taking into account the grammar, style, and logic of your writing. Another thing you can us to help the quotation flow better is by adding in some of your own words in the sentence and then putting brackets around them. Furthermore you can delete parts of the quotation that doesn’t flow is by putting ellipsis in for the word that you deleted. Another detail to using quotations or other integrated material is by adding in the authors name, credentials, student introductory analysis, and a source title. A good substitute to quotations is paraphrasing, or restating in your own words. Some good ways to do this is by using it to deepen what you’ve already written, do not use it in a thesis or topic sentence, say what the source says, reproduce the sources ideas, use your own words, content should be just as long as original, and make sure you document accurately. Another way you can add material is by summarizing, which is just taking the main idea of the original material and writing it into your own words. The last thing that can help with helping implement others work is using the right kind of verbs to discuss it.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Arielle,

    Last time i swear. you hit on all the points, again. like avoiding plagiarism, it sounds easy but i know that when i am in a rut for ideas there is always a temptation to resort to it, you must resist the urge for it can get you in waaaay more trouble than anyone really wants to deal with. anywho, you did a good job of summarizing the chapter and in actuality i would much rather read yours than the actual thing.
