Thursday, October 15, 2009


The class English 100, 100a, and 200 is designed to help you succeed in courses beyond English, by expressing complex ideas and feelings in ways that others can understand and know your audience. It does this by teaching fluency by multiple drafting, careful revision, editing, and finally polished essays. Through the semester you should have two portfolios, a working portfolio (drafts, revisions, and readers responses) and the Assessment portfolio. The passing of the Assessment Portfolio makes you eligible to go on out of English 100, 100a, or 200. In order to submit your portfolio you have to have a passing grade of a c- or better in English 100, and if in English 100a you have to have a passing grade of c- and a cr for English 60. If you have a d+ or lower will receive a grade of f or NC for the class and must re-enroll in English 100, 100a, or 200, and English 60 as appropriate. Those who pass the class, but do not pass the assessment portfolio will earn a Report in Progress (RC) in English 100 or 100a and an NC in English 200. In your portfolio you must include a cover letter and 2-4 pieces of work, with a total of 13-16 full pages. Partial pages will be counted as fractions of pages. Bibliographies or works cited will not count as the 13-16 pages, but if you have room at the bottom of the lat page of a piece of work you can place it there. The cover letter must be 2-3 pages long and must not exceed 3 pages. It should include each of portfolios submissions by title, writers reason for selecting them, demonstrate sustained self-awareness, make specific claims of writers strengths and weaknesses, what the writer has learned as the development of a writer, and knowledge of the writing, revising, and editing process. It should also talk about some things such as ways you continue to work on writing weaknesses, learned from readings, writings, themes, strategies of writing and revising, detailed process of writing problem, reflection on ways of revision for audience, or patterns in your writing. It should be formatted with one inch top, bottom, and side margins, portfolio and page number in header, submission date, portfolios address, salutation, and single spaced with skipped line between paragraphs and no indents, and ending with sincerely and portfolio number. The rest of the portfolio should be your pieces of writing. It cannot include poetry or pieces of fiction. The essays must be double spaced, 12 point version of Times New Roman, indented at each paragraph, and separate the paragraphs by a single blank line. It should also have one inch margins on the top, bottom, and sides. The admission date should be on the first page of every piece of writing. There should be only one copy of only final drafts in your portfolio. The portfolio pages should be numbered in the header on the right side of each page. Also make sure you staple each individual submission separately. Most importantly make sure that neither your name nor your instructors name is anywhere in the portfolio. Finally place your portfolio in an 81/2 x 11 inch manila folder and clearly print your portfolio number ink.

1 comment:

  1. These are good, detailed instructions on dealing with the Assessment Portfolio. Reading this, I can see you have a good understanding of what is required of you in formatting your portfolio.

    What I still wonder is what connections have you made between this reading and the activities we have been doing in class? Do you see some of the philosophy behind our activities now? If you do, can you now see how the skills I hope to teach you can translate to your work in other classes?
