Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Letter of Into.

To the community,
So I believe that the only way for anyone to really know someone is through time and events, but unfortunately at this time my classmates and I have not yet had the opportunity to really know each other.
I personally did not start reading and writing till half way into first grade, but once I finally got it I did pretty good. I have written a variety of things such as formal essays, research papers, imaginative stories, and much more. Of course most of what I have written has derived from the fact that I was assigned to do it in class. My best writing always develops from being passionate or exited about what I am writing about. I also have found that when I am in a really spontaneous. Of course the worst of my writings have come from being uninterested or uninspired about what I am assigned to write about.
I can only speak one language fluently, but I studied Spanish for four years. Although it seems that four years was not enough to really be able to retain anything learned. I think that that the variety of languages and dialects spoken in the world is fascinating, but I believe I just do not of the mind set to really be able to learn them completely.
Reading, where I begin, I do love to read. Yes that is a good place to begin. Reading became intriguing at a young age, all due to my beloved mother. Growing up in a daycare, during the summers she would read aloud to the children for quiet hour. She had the most amazing reading voice, and it always felt like I was right in the story she was reading. I found that the things I like to read the most are novels with authors that can make you feel what they wrote; the novels with substance.
I came to Humboldt University for a couple of key reasons. The first reason is to get a degree to become successful at whatever I decide to do with myself. The second is because I honestly just enjoy learning. I came to this university in particular because of location, price, and my major. I believe at this moment that I want to become an environmentalist, so we will see if it stays at this or changes along the way.
As a student I believe my best attribute would have to be organization, perseverance, and hardworking. If I don’t know something I will tell you I don’t know, but I will work really hard to try learning it. I am definitely a visual learner; I have to see something repeatedly to really know it.
Well that about sums it up, the only thing I wish to leave you with is my favorite statement. “Life isn’t counted by the number of breaths you take, but by the number of moments that take your breath away.”

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