Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Learning Styles

There are three different types of learning styles; visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. Visual learners have to see things written down or drawn. Auditory learners learn by hearing the information. Finally, kinesthetic learners have to do it hands-on. Most people are a mix of the three, with one of them being their dominant.
When I was first looking into this assignment I originally thought I was totally and completely a visual learner. I thought that I learned best when I have either written it down or have read the information being given to me, that I preferred to see movies, slideshows, handouts, illustrations, and displays. Then when I took the online learning styles inventory, it proclaimed I was a very dominant auditory learner.
When I heard this I was completely shocked by the information and believed that the inventory was inaccurate. After thinking about it for a little while, it finally occurred to me that I was in fact an auditory learner, because whenever I do not understand something I always have to ask somebody and have them tell me how to do it. I always need someone explaining things to me for me to understand.
Now that I know I am an auditory learner, it will actually help me improve my learning capabilities. I know now that I need to make sure that I listen more closely in lectures instead of half listening while doing other things. I also know that if I come to s difficult problem that I should try a different approach then I was before and see about finding someone to explain the problem to me so I can better understand how to correct the problem. Especially with my math class, that is always my hardest class, and now that I know I am an auditory learner, I should definitely make sure that when I do my homework or study for an exam that I am dominantly doing it with another person, so if I run into any questions I can just ask someone who knows so I can hear how to solve it out-loud. This inventory essentially helped me be a better and more productive learner.

1 comment:

  1. Arielle, you did a great job setting out a brief but informative introduction to learning styles to set the context for your reader.

    It is interesting that the assessment results contradicted your expectations, yet you reflected on your results and found insight into some experiences you had had in the past-- having things explained aloud.

    So the assessment helped you identify a strength you hadn't recognized before. I like how you set out plans to exploit this newly recognized strength in service to your goals, by making practical plans to talk things over with others when you are trying to analyze or understand them.
